Apply For
The Village of Warren Historic District Commission was created by City of Warren Ordinance Article XXI-A to ensure the preservation of historically and culturally significant portions of the original Village of Warren.
Application can be found here.
A permit is required for any exterior changes to a building, home, or site in the Village Historic District. During the Village Historic District Commission review procedure, the Commission has the authority to administer a permit review meeting and may approve, deny, or give notice to proceed based on the appropriateness of the proposed work within the Historic Village District.
The permit application review provides a way for the Village Historic District Commission to review proposed exterior changes. The Commission’s review of the application provides a forum for assisting and guiding property owners in the preparation of appropriate improvement proposals. Upon receipt of a Certificate of Appropriateness or Notice to Proceed, a homeowner, building owner, or property owner may then furnish the executed certificate to the City of Warren Building Division to finish the permitting process.
Work requiring a permit within the Village Historic District includes, but is not limited to:
If you are unsure if your project requires review and authorization from the Village Historic District Commission please email:, or attend the next open meeting and approach the commission during open discussion. The Commission meets on the first Thursday of every month at 7:00 p.m. at 5961 Beebe, Warren, MI 48092. (There is no meeting in July or December),
All proposed work must comply with all adopted City of Warren Zoning Codes and Ordinances and the United States Secretary of the Interior’s Standards for Rehabilitation and Guidelines for Rehabilitating Historic Buildings.
Section 21A.31 Penalties:
(a) Any person or entity who violates any provision of this Article is responsible for a municipal infraction punishable by a fine of up to $5,000.00
(b) Pursuant to MCL 399.215(2), a court may order the person or entity to pay the costs to restore or replicate a resource unlawfully constructed, added to, altered, repaired, moved, excavated or demolished.
One City Square, Warren, MI 48093
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-5 PM
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