Due to flooding, the pool at the Warren Community Center will be closed until further notice. The remainder of the community center is open.
Home | Public Notices | NOTICE OF PUBLIC HEARING
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Public Hearing has been scheduled and will be held by the City Council of the City of Warren in connection with the petitioner’s request for a SPECIAL LAND USE AND SITE PLAN approval for a 24 Hour Fitness Facility for the following described property:
Land in the City of Warren, Macomb County, described as: A 11.405-acre parcel of land located in the southwest ¼ Section 10, T.1N, R. 12E, City of Warren, Macomb County, Michigan being more particularly described as follows:
Commencing at the SW corner of Section 10, T.1N, R. 12E, City of Warren, Macomb County Michigan; thence N89°47’20”E 60.0 ft. along the south line of said Section 10 and the centerline of 12 Mile Road (120 ft. wide); thence N00°37’51”W (recorded as N00°39’20”W) 976.92 ft. along the east line of Van Dyke Avenue (120 ft. wide) and it southerly extension thereof; thence N89° 28’00”E 919.08 ft. along the south line of 942.53 ft.; thence S89° Hartsig Gardens Subdivision, as recorded in Liber 9 of Plats, Page 39, Macomb County Records for a place of beginning; thence continuing N89°28’00”E 438.35 ft. along the south line of said Hartsig Gardens Subdivision; thence S00°11’40”E 924.53 ft.; thence S89°47’20”W 326.82 ft. along the north line of said 12 Mile Road; thence N00°37’51”W 101.75 ft.; thence 39.09 ft. along the arc of a 25.00 foot radius circular curve to the left, with a central angle of 89°34’49”, having a chord which bears N45°25’16”W 35.23 ft.; thence S89°47’20”W 213.92 ft.; thence N00°37’51”W 336.06 ft.; thence S89°47’20”W 46.12 ft.; thence N00°33’02”W 334.32 ft.; thence N89°25’35”E 31.96 ft.; thence N00°36’52”W 3.25
ft.; thence N89°25’35”E 8.00 ft.; thence S00°36’52”E 3.25 ft.; thence N89°25’35”E 22.78 ft.; thence N00°36’52”W 25.52 ft.; thence N89°25’35”E 117.13 ft.; thence N00°37’51”W 98.48 ft. to the place of beginning, containing 11.405 acres of land, more or less and being subject to easements, conditions, restrictions and exceptions or record if any.
The Public Hearing will be held Tuesday, April 23rd, 2019, in the City Council Chambers in the Warren Community Center Auditorium, located west of Mound Road between Chicago and Fourteen Mile Roads, Warren, Michigan. The City Council meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the Public Hearing is to provide the Petitioner with an opportunity to represent his
interests and to give you an opportunity to voice your opinion or ask any questions concerning this request for a Special Land Use Permit. Any comments may be made in person at the hearing or in writing to the City Clerk or the City Council prior to the hearing.
One City Square, Warren, MI 48093
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-5 PM
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