Snow Emergency for the City of Warren, effective 7:00 PM tonight, February 15, 2025. To allow snowplows to clear the roads safely and efficiently, all vehicles must be removed from city streets by 7:00 PM tonight.
On Monday, February 17, 2025, in observance of Presidents’ Day, City Offices and Libraries will be closed. Trash pickup will be on schedule.
Home | Public Notices | Public Notice that a Public Hearing has been scheduled and will be held by the City Council in connection with 2234 and 2210 Los Angeles
This letter is a NOTICE HEREBY GIVEN to you that a public hearing has been scheduled and will be held by the City Council for the City of Warren in connection with the following petition to rezone land in your neighborhood:
Two parcels of land in City of Warren, Macomb County, Michigan, Parcel Identification Number 13-30-379-002 and 13-30-379-029 (2234 & 2210 Los Angeles)
Three parcels of land in the City of Warren Macomb County, Michigan, Parcel Identification Numbers 13-17-427-010 (Heathdale), 13-17-427-012 (27663 Mound) and 13-17-427-023 (Mound) more particularly described as:
T1N-R12E, Section 30, Lots 68 and 69 of Los Angeles Blvd Sub, including ½ of the vacated alley adjacent, as recorded in Liber 3 of Plats, Page 97, Macomb County Records.
be rezoned from its present zoning classification “R-1-P”, One-Family Residential and Parking District to “M-2”, Medium Light Industrial District.
The public hearing will be held Tuesday, March 24th, 2020, in the City Council Chambers of the Warren Community Center Auditorium, 5460 Arden, located west of Mound between Chicago and Fourteen Mile Roads. The City Council meeting will begin at 7:00 p.m. The purpose of the public hearing is to provide the petitioner with an opportunity to represent his interests and to give you an opportunity to voice your opinion or ask any questions concerning this request.
Any comments may be made in personat the hearing, or in writing to the City Clerk or the City Council prior to the hearing.
One City Square, Warren, MI 48093
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-5 PM
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