Due to flooding, the pool at the Warren Community Center will be closed until further notice. The remainder of the community center is open.
Our WWTP (Waste Water Treatment Plant) is running smoothly and no concern with sewage basement flooding. Flooding on streets is due primarily to the tremendous amount of water we got in a short period of time. Added to the fact that Oakland County sends their excess stormwater to Red Run. Red Run then overflows causing stormwater street flooding. So far, we only have a few basements with water. I have contacted the Southern Baptist Relief Team for possible help, and I have also contacted DTE about power outages as well.
IF YOU EXPERIENCED FLOODING ON YOUR PROPERTY, IN YOUR BASEMENT, OR IN YOUR STREET PLEASE CONTACT MY OFFICE AT (586) 574-4520. The Water Department is actively working on neighborhood streets, and you can call them at (586) 759-9200, this phone number is also used after hours. You can assist the Water Department by making sure your catch basins are clear of any debris.
*The Detention Basin that we are currently constructing should alleviate many of these current problems. This will hopefully be ready by or before 2023. Please note Warren is the only city building a detention basin to alleviate flooding at my insistence. The former city council approved this project several years ago!
Mayor James R. Fouts
City of Warren
One City Square- Suite 215
Warren, MI 48093-6726
One City Square, Warren, MI 48093
Monday-Friday 8:30 AM-5 PM
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