Community Development Block Grant (CDBG)
CDBG-Funded Programs
The most popular CDBG program is the Residential Rehabilitation Program which provides loans for home repairs to income-eligible homeowners.
Other CDBG-funded services available to Warren residents include:
- CHORE Service (lawn cutting and snow removal for seniors) provided by Macomb Community Action. Located at 21885 Dunham Road, Clinton Township, MI 48036. To contact them directly, call 586-469-5228.
- Money Management Classes provided by the Michigan State University Extension (MSUE) Program (586-469-6430).
- Assistance with delinquent rent, mortgage or utility bills provided by the Society of St. Vincent de Paul (for additional information, contact your neighborhood Catholic Church).
Home Investment Partnerships (HOME) Program
The HOME Program is designed to provide affordable housing to income-eligible families. The city aquires houses and either rehabilitates them or demolishes them and builds new. The homes are then sold to income-eligible families. The city also contracts with Habitat for Humanity to construct new homes and sell them to income-eligible families.
CDBG/HOME Reports and Other Documents
- 2018-2019 Housing and Community Development Action Plan HOPWA Program
- 2018-2019 Housing and Community Development Action Plan CDBG, Home, and HOPWA Programs
- 2017-2018 Housing and Community Development Action Plan
- 2016-2020 Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan
- City of Warren Consolidated Plan Needs Survey
- Public Notice City of Warren 2016-2020 Housing and Community Development Consolidated Plan Priority Needs
- Notice of Finding of no Significant Impact on the Environment and Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds 2020
- Notice of City of Warren Housing and Community Development Action Plan 2015-2016 HOPWA Program
- City of Warren Citizen Participation Plan
- Notice of Intent to Request Release of Funds
Tom Bommarito
Director of Department of Community, Economic & Downtown Development ED, DDA, TIFA, CDBG, BRA